Day Six and Seven

It decided to rain most of the day today so I didn't get much Environmental Reconditioning done unless you count sitting in a hot car when it's nearly a hundred degrees outside before the downpour.

And calorie counting is not properly done on a iPad but none of this is good information for the future especially if our future is to lead to being munched upon by walking virus bombs.

I did have time to think a bit today about preservatives in food. I have a good graphic novel of the zombie type that focuses its zombification on preservatives. And it has made me want to learn more about planting and canning fresh foods. My guts feel a million times better since switching to a raw foods diet.

I won't bore you all to much because I am tired however, I have lost five pounds in a week and I am feeling already so much better. So now I am setting a new goal.

In 4 weeks I will have conditioned myself to start the very bottom rung of real cardio training. I am in no shape to run right now, but I know that if I start power walking and get my endurance up a bit that I will be capable of light jogging.

Four weeks.


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