Day Two

I am blogging late because I was sitting on the couch watching TWD again for the billionth time. I should learn to do this earlier but I find its better to complete my day at the very end as opposed to while I am up and about. Helps me keep track of my snacking.

Thinking about an incoming Pandemic while at work today after a fairly large scare, I decided that everyone should be growing small victory gardens. Even if you die in the zombie apocalyspe you are doing your neighbor a favor by having a fresh perennial vegetable or fruit growing for them to harvest to ward of starvation. Next year for sure, even though I am known to have the world's blackest thumb, I am going to plant a victory garden. You should too, get on it.

Think about the money you are going to save yourself. Need a tomato? Go out and pick it. Need some lettuce, no more runs to the store where the lettuce isn't all that clean. Grow your own. It will help with the allergies too so I have heard. Like local honey will.

I am terribly tired and my arms are sore so I won't make this ungodly long today. Some stupid person at work got canned for being dumb and decided to send an email out to the entire floor with the same title as her resignation email. Scared the crap out of all of us, we thought we were being canned. My manager kept asking me if I was alright and I told him that these negative email's are the same as her leaving wearing a chicken suit. Smoke and mirrors. But it is reasons like these that I am such an introvert to begin with. Why would you mess with someone's livelihood? A job is needed to keep children clothed and fed. Why mess with that? Misery loves company, so I have heard.

On the nutrition from I ended the day at 1600+ calories. And on the activity front I did okay. Didn't walk, I needed to do the laundry. But I did get 60 wood chops in, and 30 squats. Fifty squats tomorrow, and my butt isn't pleased with the idea. Becoming less sedentary hurts.

However, day two of reconditioning was a moderate success.


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